Relay for Life Dance Feet On Sale Now!

In the month of December, we will continue to raise money for Relay for Life! We invite our families to sell the Relay Feet for $1 each foot. Any family that brings in $50 in feet will get to spin our prize wheel!

Please stop in the office to pick up feet in order to participate. Sold feet should be returned the first week of the Winter Session, January 9thALL proceeds will go directly to the ACS Relay For Life. When you sell the feet, you can decorate them in honor or memory of someone that has been affected by cancer or simply to support the cause. All “dance feet” will be proudly displayed inside the studio. Be sure to look for yours! Thank you for your support with the ACS Relay For Life and if you’d like to make a donation to Team Envision, simply visit our page at and if you’re interested in participating in the relay, we’d love for you to join us!!
