College Prep

Preparing for the Future

Center Stage Dance Academy offers a full range of classes for students at all levels. While we offer recreational classes for students who enjoy dance as a hobby, many of our dancers wish to further develop their love of dance into a career – as a performer, instructor, or choreographer! With that being said, we pride ourselves in offering one of the best and most well-rounded programs in the northwest suburbs. Our highly qualified staff is second to none with first-hand experience in not only performing professionally and having college dance degrees, but also assisting with student placement in college programs and companies around the world.

Did You Know?

One of the most important requirements for the advancement of your child’s dance career is years of ballet training?  Whether their goal is to be part of a college dance company, college dance team, conservatory program or a professional dance company – technical skills are an absolute must.  How much experience does your dancer have in improv?  They should be partaking in improv exercises on a regular basis as that is usually a part of every audition process.

Audition pieces for college dance placement are unique in terms of what schools are looking for? You are doing your dancer an injustice if you don’t know what to expect and have them prepared with the type of solo they want to see at college auditions.  You cannot show up to a college audition with a “competition” solo – most want a “concert solo”.  Be sure your dancer has a choreographer that knows the difference!

If your dancer wants to perform in a professional concert dance company such as Hubbard Street Dance Chicago or Giordano Dance Chicago, they will need a college degree? Most companies are looking for seasoned, mature dancers with college experience.

The college application process for a dancer is much more in depth than that of a typical college student? Not only do they have to get accepted for their academic merits, but also for their artistic talents as well. In addition, requirements such as video submissions, headshots, essays, recommendations, etc. need to be considered prior to the typical college application deadlines.  Is your dancer prepared?

Out of 500-700 dancers in a typical audition season, typically 30-40 are accepted in to the program. Your dancer will need a lot of support throughout the entire process.

As a studio owner and mom of dancers, CSDA’s Artistic Director Debbie Nowotnik has worked tirelessly to understand the entire process of what it takes for your dancer to get accepted in to a college program. Her research and experience creates an added value for your dancer as they prepare for auditions, interviews, and submissions. With a 100% placement success rate for graduating seniors, CSDA has the knowledge and insight to help your dancer reach their goals.

At Center Stage Dance Academy, we offer the full package – highly qualified, professional staff members ready to train your dancer, direct them both technically and artistically, and guide them down the right path for their desired future. Our proven results speak for themselves.

Contact us for more information today on how we can help you and your dancer prepare for the future!
