CSDA Cares
2014 Relay for Life
CSDA's Huntley Relay for Life team raised over $1,900 for the American Cancer Society!
Rockin’ Out for CASA
Join Envision Dance Company and CSDA Cares for this amazing fundraising event for CASA of McHenry County! Saturday, June 28th Noon to 5 pm Port Edward Restaurant in Algonquin This fundraising event is for rockers young and old! Dig out those old concert t-shirts and...
Relay for Life
for every fight won, for every battle lost, for those still fighting, join Team Envision and leave YOUR footprints on the road to a cure RELAY FOR LIFE June 13th & 14th 12015 Mill St. Huntley, IL 6:00 pm - 6:00 am We invite you to walk with us for Relay For Life. ...
McCare Night
Join CSDA Monday, April 14th from 5-8 pm at the Huntley McDonald's to help raise money for this year's Relay for Life event! Interested in joining CSDA at Relay for Life? Click here to learn more and join our team!
Center Stage Dance Academy Leaves Footprints On the Road to a Cure
Center Stage Dance Academy Leaves Footprints On the Road to a Cure April 8, 2014 (Huntley, IL) – Center Stage Dance Academy (CSDA – www.DanceAtCSDA.com) and Envision Dance Company will participate in the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life at Deicke Park in...
CSDA Cares
Part of our philosophy at Center Stage is to to allow each individual to experience the art and love of dance. This extends to people outside of the studio as well! We want to instill good values and develop kind hearts in all of our dancers. Take to the streets!...
Envision Making a Difference
Envision Making a Difference Envision Dance Company had the opportunity of choosing not to receive trophies for awards at last year's Celebration Talent Competition. By not receiving trophies, the money that would have been spent was donated to the Muscular Dystrophy...
Hip Hop Master Class for a Cause
Our very own Alvin Ramirez hosted a number of master classes where all of the proceeds were sent to help support those affected by the tornadoes in Oklahoma. All proceeds will be donated to The Salvation Army and funds will be sent to Oklahoma. All dancers ages 7+...
2012 Kick It Challenge
In honor of National Dance Week Foundation and to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Rockettes, Center Stage Dance Academy participated in the attempt to break the current world record for the World's Longest Kick Line on November 4th at Brookfield Zoo. Dancers...
Center Stage Dance Academy Gives Back
Local Dancers Raise Over $1,600 For American Cancer Society Center Stage Dance Academy (CSDA – www.DanceAtCSDA.com) and Envision Dance Company participated in last weekend’s Relay for Life at Deicke Park in Huntley, IL. The overnight event began Friday, June 15th at...